Troubleshooting Tips For Growing Herbs In Mason Jars

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Have you been wanting to add a touch of nature to your kitchen, yet struggling to make it work? Growing herbs in mason jars is the perfect way to spruce up your indoor space and create a beautiful, natural herb planter.

With this guide, you’ll learn how to craft the perfect mason jar kitchen herbs!


If you’re looking to grow your own herbs at home but don’t have a lot of space, creating a kitchen herb garden in mason jars is a great idea. It’s a cost-effective, eco-friendly and trendy way to grow fresh herbs in your kitchen.

Here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind while growing herbs in mason jars:

1. Drainage: Make sure you have a drainage system in place. The mason jars don’t have drainage holes, so you need to cover the bottom with pebbles or rocks to avoid waterlogging.

2. Soil: Only use quality soil made for containers. Don’t use soil from your garden as it can contain pests and diseases.

3. Sunlight: Place your herb plants in a spot with plenty of natural sunlight. If sunlight is difficult to come by, consider using grow lights.

4. Watering: Avoid over-watering your plants. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

With these tips, your mason jar herb garden should thrive and provide fresh herbs for your kitchen all year round.

How to Make Kitchen Herb Planters Out Of Mason Jars Like The Modern Sprouts But Diy

Growing herbs in mason jars is a great way to bring some greenery and fresh flavors into your kitchen while adding a touch of rustic charm. Here are a few benefits of growing herbs in mason jars:

Space-saving: Mason jars are compact and fit well on a windowsill or countertop without taking up too much space, making them ideal for small kitchens.

Cost-effective: Mason jars are affordable and easily accessible, making them a budget-friendly option for growing herbs at home.

Versatile: Mason jars come in different sizes and shapes, so you can choose the right one for your herb of choice and experiment with different arrangements.

Here are some tips to troubleshoot common issues when growing herbs in mason jars:

Make drainage holes: Mason jars do not have drainage holes, which can cause water to collect at the bottom and lead to root rot. Drill small holes in the bottom of the jar to ensure proper drainage.

Don’t overwater: It’s easy to overwater herbs in mason jars due to their small size. Only water the herbs when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Provide ample sunlight: Herbs require a lot of sunlight to grow, so make sure to place your mason jar herb planters in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight daily.

Pro tip: To add some variety to your kitchen herbs, try mixing and matching different herbs in one mason jar, creating a unique and flavorful arrangement.

Choosing the Right Mason Jar

Choosing the right mason jar is crucial when making kitchen herb planters out of mason jars. Here are the things you should consider before choosing your mason jar:

Size: Choose a mason jar with a size that is appropriate for the type of herb you plan to grow. A small jar is perfect for herbs that don’t need a lot of soil, while a bigger one is excellent for herbs that have big roots or need more space.

Durability: Look for a high-quality mason jar that can withstand the moisture and weight of the soil, especially if you plan to hang it.

Drainage: Ensure that the mason jar has proper drainage. You can drill holes at the bottom of the jar or add drainage stones.

Transparency: A transparent jar can help you monitor the water level and check the health of the plant.

Accessibility: A mason jar with a wide mouth makes it easier to plant and harvest your herbs.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can choose the perfect mason jar for your DIY herb planter and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Preparing the Mason Jar

Preparing the mason jar for your herb garden is a crucial step to ensure the success of your DIY project. Here are some tips to follow when preparing your mason jar herb planter:

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Choose the right size of mason jar based on the herb’s root system and its mature size.

Check that the mason jar has adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. A few small holes at the bottom of the jar will suffice.

Add a layer of stones or pebbles to the bottom of the jar to help with drainage.

Fill the jar with nutrient-rich potting soil, leaving some space for the plants’ roots.

Gently tap the jar to remove any air pockets and ensure that the soil is evenly distributed.

Plant the herbs of your choice, taking care not to overcrowd the jar.

Water the herbs thoroughly, but take care not to over-water as this can lead to mold or mildew growth.

Place the jar in a sunny spot and monitor it closely for the first few weeks to ensure that the herbs are thriving.

Following these tips will ensure that your mason jar herb planter is healthy and thriving.

Selecting the Right Herbs

When selecting herbs to grow in a mason jar planter, consider the plant’s size, light requirements, and growth habit to ensure a thriving herb garden.

Some herbs that do well in mason jar planters include basil, parsley, thyme, mint, and chives. These herbs are small and compact, making them perfect for indoor gardening.

To grow herbs in mason jar planters, select a sunny window sill, and place the planters on a tray or saucer to catch any excess water. Water the herbs as needed, making sure not to overwater them, which can lead to root rot.

If you notice any yellowing leaves or stunted growth, the herbs may require more or less water or light. Adjust these factors accordingly to help troubleshoot any issues with growing herbs in mason jars.

Pro tip: To add a decorative touch to your DIY herb planters, consider painting the mason jars or adding labels to identify each herb.

Proper Watering Techniques

Proper watering techniques are crucial for a thriving herb garden in mason jars. Here are some tips to follow:

Avoid overwatering your herbs. Overwatering can drown your plants’ roots and lead to root rot. To ensure you’re not overwatering, use a watering can with a narrow spout to deliver water directly to the soil.

Check the soil moisture level regularly. Use your finger to check the top inch of soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water your herbs. If it’s still moist, wait a few days before watering again.

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Water your herbs in the morning. Watering in the morning allows the plants to absorb the moisture they need throughout the day, while watering at night can create a damp environment that promotes disease and pest infestation.

Pro Tip: To prevent overwatering, ensure that your mason jars have proper drainage holes. If your jars don’t have drainage holes, add some by using a drill with a masonry bit.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Growing herbs in Mason jars is a popular DIY project that can add a touch of greenery to your kitchen. However, like any gardening venture, it can come with its share of problems. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common issues when growing herbs in Mason jars:

Overwatering: Make sure that your Mason jar herb planters have good drainage and that you’re not watering them too frequently. Check the soil moisture level before watering and adjust as necessary.

Insufficient Light: Herbs need plenty of sunlight to thrive. Make sure your Mason jar herb planters are placed in a bright and sunny location, ideally near a window that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. You can also consider using artificial grow lights if natural light is scarce.

Poor Drainage: If your Mason jar herb planter doesn’t have proper drainage, it can lead to root rot or fungal diseases. Adding gravel or sand at the bottom of the jar or drilling small holes can promote drainage.

Pests and Diseases: Keep an eye out for pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies, and diseases such as powdery mildew, which can affect your herbs. Remove infected plants or apply natural remedies like soap spray or neem oil.

Pro tip: Always use sterilized soil or potting mix when planting in Mason jars to prevent diseases and pests from taking over.


In conclusion, growing herbs in mason jars is a fun and easy way to add fresh flavors and greenery to your kitchen. However, if you run into some issues with your plants, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

– If your herbs are wilting or turning yellow, they may be getting too much or too little water. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

– If you notice pests like aphids or spider mites on your plants, spray them with a mixture of water and dish soap to get rid of them.

– If your herbs are not getting enough light, consider moving them to a sunnier spot or supplementing their light with artificial grow lights.

With these tips and some DIY mason jar planters, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown herbs all year round.

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