The relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development is an important and complex issue that must be taken into account when discussing economic policies around the world. Studies have shown different attitudes towards entrepreneurship, depending on the economic, social and cultural situation of the country. So why do attitudes towards entrepreneurship vary so much on an international scale? This paper will explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development, and why attitudes towards the latter vary so much across the world.
Definition of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a process of innovation and management of resources by individuals in order to develop, create, and bring to market new products and services. It is often referred to as the “driver of economic growth” because it introduces new products and services while also creating job opportunities. Entrepreneurship has been defined in various ways, but in simplest terms, it can be viewed as the utilization of business knowledge and skills to identify an opportunity with potential for creating value, then taking reasonable risks to implement a plan that will involve developing, launching and properly managing the venture. At the core of entrepreneurship is the notion of change – recognizing when opportunity exists for utilizing what has been learned from experience or gathered from research to be applied in ways that can benefit both individual entrepreneurs and their societies at large. As such, entrepreneurship not only encompasses commercial activities such as starting businesses but can be applied more broadly as well – across all fields where innovative products or services are sought from individuals willing to take calculative risks for possible returns on investment. The widespread practice of entrepreneurship extends beyond individual decision makers like investors or entrepreneurs who lead ventures and into larger organizations focused on achieving greater collective economic success. Understanding why attitudes on entrepreneurship vary internationally requires an appreciation for global differences in culture and business practices. International beliefs about what creates successful entrepreneurial ventures can be largely attributed to cultural influences – they provide a basis upon which individuals form opinions about resource availability, risk tolerance, motivation levels, business norms and more. In addition to sharing best practices related specifically to entrepreneurship activities – support networks, legal structures enabling competitiveness – countries looking to boost economic development will also benefit from comparing their existing approach toward entrepreneurship with that of other nations in different regions throughout the world.
Definition of Economic Development
Economic Development is a process of creating meaningful opportunities for jobs and investments that have a broad societal benefit. This process combines economic analysis and policy to focus on development strategies that increase the productivity, effectiveness, sustainability, and efficiency of an economy. Economic development also seeks to reduce poverty by engaging in activities such as promoting education, providing access to capital, improving infrastructure and public services, creating fiscal incentives for businesses, and supporting the local business environment.
The goal of economic development ultimately is to generate income growth for all members of society so that everyone can have the opportunity to share in the resources available. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in this process since it creates opportunities for individuals to create wealth or build upon existing resources.
Having access to capital or being able to utilize existing resources such as educational institutions or technology can make it easier for entrepreneurs to launch their projects and become successful businessmen or women within their local economy while also stimulating economic growth beyond just their own activity.
As such, entrepreneurship has often been viewed as essential factor in stimulating economic development since it can drive competition in sectors and foster innovative solutions by introducing new products or services into the market. However, attitudes towards entrepreneurship across international contexts may vary due to difference in cultures and level of economic inequality present which may further impact development initiatives taken by concerned authorities pathways towards achieving economic progress collectively.
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
Entrepreneurship has been seen as a key engine of economic development in many countries. It has the potential to create jobs and increase economic output, while also providing economic opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. In addition, it can also be a means of diversifying a country’s economy.
Therefore, it’s no surprise that attitudes about entrepreneurship vary widely internationally.

Why do Attitudes About Entrepreneurship Vary Internationally?
Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time, energy and effort, assuming the accompanying financial risks and rewards, and receiving compensation for these efforts. It is a key driver of economic growth.
The role of entrepreneurship in economic development can be seen through its ability to generate innovation in industries and markets, create jobs and bring wide-reaching of social improvements. Entrepreneurship also affects countries’ standard of living across three dimensions:
- Development: Entrepreneurs are essential to sustain innovation that enhances national competitiveness; boosts exports; increases imports, creating jobs in new industries; and strengthens infrastructure development.
- Inequality: Entrepreneurs offer opportunity to all strata of society regardless of gender, class or race offering second chances for individuals previously excluded from participating in the national economy by accessing finance, improving skills sets through training or working in local marketplaces with the aim for wealth creation. This can lead to a more equitable distribution of resources across society over time improving the overall societal quality-of-life metrics.
- Empowerment: The entrepreneurial spirit encourages citizens to think innovatively about solutions that their government or large firms may not be investing in; think independently from traditional norms; create opportunities for themselves and others without relying on external aid/assistance or waiting patiently for top-down initiatives; foster social ties amongst different members based on trust building activities such as microfinance’s flattening effect over geographical locations bringing together people who usually would not have an avenue otherwise; develop stakeholder relationships making locals key players when creating ground-up plans around issues like housing or migration trends where state entities have little say due to their lack of area expertise accessioning citizen voices heard at multiple levels including policy-levels creating tangible change which often generates media coverage encouraging more entrepreneurs leading to broader grassroots adoptions at multiple levels heightening impact exponentially alleviating socio economical burdens associated with marginalized distributed populations nationwide.
Entrepreneurship as a Source of Innovation

Throughout the world, entrepreneurs play an important role in advancing economic development by creating new and innovative businesses. Entrepreneurs help drive innovation, create and enhance competitive markets, develop new products and services, improve existing products or services, deliver better quality and lower prices to consumers, create jobs and generate economic growth. Entrepreneurs are a valuable part of the economy because they challenge existing norms and ideas with their bold visions and individual creativity. Because of this, they often bring fresh innovations from outside the economy that can create major positive impacts in terms of job creation, economic growth and improved profitability for businesses. Through creative thinking, experimentation (or trial-and-error) processes, and risk taking optimizes resources to accomplish more with less – all traits that support economic development – entrepreneurs can help turn good ideas into successful business ventures.
Entrepreneurship also plays an important role in international economic development by introducing new products or services that shift or expand existing industries or create entirely new markets. By seeking out opportunities to introduce innovative solutions in areas with unmet needs or latent potential for development – such as in emerging markets – entrepreneurship creates tangible value by improving access to goods and services while also meeting broader goals such as reducing poverty or reducing inequality. This type of innovation has been noted as being especially effective in smaller countries where resources are limited but bold ideas remain plentiful. Beyond providing access to goods and services for people living in developing countries, this also helps reduce socio-economic gaps between developed nations within the global economy.
Entrepreneurship as a Source of Employment
Perhaps one of the most obvious roles of entrepreneurship in economic development is to provide employment opportunities. Corporate, political, and other institutional forms of employment have been a mainstay in many developed and developing countries. However, the instability of many sectors has forced people to create their own jobs rather than waiting for job offers to come in. Small businesses started by entrepreneurs bridge the gap between limited job supply and rising job demand. The availability of work opportunities is instrumental in not only providing an income source but also creating social cohesion through contributing to a sense of purpose and identity among citizens. This further contributes to a culture of self-employment, which creates multiple new jobs for other workers within the same industry, in addition to supplying services or products to other businesses or consumers. Overall, entrepreneurship is conducive to creating strong economic foundations. The ability and willingness of communities to mobilize resources encourages investment into local markets while also creating jobs that increase purchasing power throughout society, leading to sustainable long-term development overall.
Attitudes Towards Entrepreneurship
Attitudes towards entrepreneurship vary greatly from one country to the next. Some countries have a more traditional attitude of risk and uncertainty, while others have embraced the idea and encouraged growth through entrepreneurship. Understanding the attitudes towards entrepreneurship is key in understanding how different countries view economic development and how they approach policy making.
Let’s dive deep into the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development and take a look at why attitudes about entrepreneurship vary internationally:
Cultural Attitudes Towards Entrepreneurship
Cultural attitudes toward entrepreneurship play an important role in a country’s economic development, as these sentiments help shape the national environment for nurturing small business innovation and growth. A country’s values, religious beliefs, traditions and the legal system all shape how entrepreneurs are seen from within. As such, public opinion of entrepreneurship in one region may be vastly different than public opinion in another depending on each jurisdiction’s particular culture.

For example, many developed nations with high-growth economies place a great emphasis on entrepreneurship as a vital component of economic development. These countries often provide resources to budding businesses in the form of training programs and grants or tax incentives to encourage investment and job creation. Likewise, individuals who display entrepreneurial traits are highly celebrated by society as innovative leaders who challenge the status quo to achieve new levels of prosperity. In contrast, many emerging economies with large populations rely more on small-scale subsistence production and informal activities than large corporate business models involving capitalist investments or corporate structures. In these regions, entrepreneurs are more likely to operate informally at times rather than seek out formal registration or credit access from formal banking systems. Consequently, existing cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurs may not value their contributions due to lack of understanding about what constitutes as an “entrepreneur” or how they could potentially lift up a broader population with long-term positive economic growth outcomes. In sum, cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurship vary internationally based on existing values related to risk taking and creative disruption within individual societies – these attitudes can either empower or impede entrepreneurial activity within different countries around the world which can ultimately influence economic growth trends over time. The extent that national cultures recognize entrepreneurs as economic change-makers will have direct implications for the future health of global innovation environments needed support more broadly shared social prosperity throughout our world today.