Identifying items in Diablo 2 is an important part of the game, allowing players to find the most powerful items to equip and use. The process involves evaluating the item’s attributes and comparing them to items that you have seen previously. With practice, the process of item identification can become second nature.
In this article, we’ll explore the basics of item identification and provide helpful tips for success.
Overview of Diablo 2
Diablo 2 is an action role-playing game developed by Blizzard North released in 2000, and was one of the best selling games of its time. Players choose a character to our event various monsters as they explore dungeons and other locations in the game. Item identification is an important part of Diablo II, as it should be used to determine the quality and usefulness of each item you pick up. This article will provide a detailed overview of the item identification process, including when it should be used and steps to take.
Understanding what type of items appear in Diablo II can help determine when item identification should be applied. As players move through the game, they may come across several types of items ranging from normal (white), superior (blue), magic (yellow), rare (orange), or unique (purple). Once an item has been found or looted, players must identify it to receive combat benefits from its usage. This is done through your quest log or by using a Scroll/Tome of Identification – which can be found within the surrounding areas throughout your journey.
The process for using Scrolls/Tomes for Identification works as follows: When using either scrolls or tomes for item identification, you must read them with any unidentified items within your inventory before these magical texts take effect. All unidentified items that are equipped are not affected by scrolls or tomes – make sure all items are unequipped prior use! After successfully applying scrolls or tomes on your inventory’s unidentified items, they will become identified – displaying their exact mechanics and enabling newly acquired combat abilities only if equipped!
How To Identify Items In Diablo 2
Identifying items in Diablo 2 is important to gain a successful gaming experience. Understanding what each item is capable of can provide insight into possible strategies and play styles that best suit the player.
Furthermore, some unidentified items may have extraordinary effects that go unnoticed without being identified first, such as buffing equipment and runes. Just as knowledge of the different lands and creatures in the game can provide an advantage in certain situations, so can knowledge of the many items found throughout Sanctuary.
Players must utilise a Horadric Cube or a Scroll of Identify provided by vendors throughout the land to identify these items. With such knowledge, you are given a greater opportunity for success!
Identifying Items By Rarity
In Diablo 2, you can identify items by rarity to determine what’s worth keeping in your inventory. Identifying an item by its rarity is very straightforward and can be done with a few simple steps.
In this article, we’ll discuss rarity levels, how to identify them, and how to determine the value of items accordingly.

Common Items
In Diablo 2, items can be found in all shapes, sizes and varying rarity levels. Common items are the most abundant and are generally considered to have no unusual attributes. These items can range from weapons to armour pieces and may offer only average bonuses. Some of these items may have modifiers that offer bonuses such as extra life or mana regeneration, faster hit recovery or increased attack speed.
Common Items are identified by having white text on grey space when hovering the pointer over them. This indicates that they are not unique in any way nor do they possess any kind of powerful bonus or ability. Weapons at this level can range in damage type, damage bonus and weapon speed. They will all be relatively simple items with no additional attributes or special abilities attached to them.
Armour found at this level will also vary in attributes such as defence bonus, enhanced chance at blocking attacks and some resistances to elemental damage (fire/ice/poison). These armour pieces all serve more practical purposes than anything else; providing basic protection but not offering a lot of capability for customization through different item combinations for increased effects or bonuses.
Common Items can always be identified by their colour-coding in either the inventory view (white on grey) or the ground view (grey). Additionally, if the resulting bonuses from these items appear mundane or unremarkable after being identified, it is almost certainly a common item without any special powers attached.
Uncommon Items
In the only official game in the Diablo series, players are presented with intuitive ways to identify outstanding items. By recognizing these unique items, players can significantly boost their power earlier on and compete better against foes.
Unique items are found throughout your travels and dungeons in a single set of gear or weapon, colour coded purple and automatically identified upon pick up. These are much harder to come by but of great value once found.
Uncommon items, like unique items, are also automatically identified as one picks them up but simply labelled blue instead of purple to identify them from their more powerful counterparts. Commonly known as “runewords”, these items provide bonuses when socketed with the right number and specific types of runes placed in the appropriate order that is configured event-specifically if generated-randomly. This can dramatically affect the overall stats the item provides without any magical abilities possessed by higher-grade gear or legendary loot such as an Elite Set or Unique Item drop; it simply changes the properties already applicable.

Rare Items
In Diablo II, some items can be identified as rare. Rare Items are exclusive, powerful, and often highly sought-after pieces of loot that typically spawn less frequently than other items. To identify an item as a Rare Item it must have the yellow text description and the item’s colour is usually bright gold or yellow.
Rare Items are some of the best items a player can obtain in Diablo II and they come in many varieties including: Wands, Staves, Orbs, Swords, Axes and Polearms that have magical powers; Rune Words that modify armour or weapons; Jewellery such as amulets and rings; Unique Items which are limited to one copy in each game; and Sets which contain multiple pieces of high-level armour or weapons crafted for a specific character class.
The affixes on Rare Items are randomly generated from a pool of possible affixes per item type — meaning that with enough searching you can find any combination of powerful specialties available for an item type. So for example you could find a Sorceress Staff with +10 Fire Damage / +50 Energy / +15% Resist All / +40 Healing Amulet on it or perhaps a Barbarian Axe with +100 Maximum Life / 10% Chance to cast Level 5 Meteor on Striking / 50% Increased Attack Speed/ etc.
Once an item is identified as being Rare via its description therein lies an extra opportunity to enhance its stats by using Perfect Gems & Perfect Runes to further increase their various numerical bonuses associated with them — such as increasing Attack Rating (AR), Defense (D), Life Points (L), Magic Find (MF), Skill Bonuses, etc — depending on what particular affixes currently grace them during your hunt for better loot!
Set Items
When playing the Diablo 2 computer game, identifying set items is paramount. Set items are often some of the most powerful and valuable items in the game, and they’re also usually highly rewarding to find. To identify these items, there are a few things to look for.
The first thing that players need to do is look for an item’s set name; this will give the player a clue as to what set item it could be. Some sets have very distinctive names, like “Tirnset of Sorcery” or “Cain’s Honor”, while others will have less unique names like “Voidheart Deflector” or “Sealed Timeward Helmet”. Once the player has identified what set item it might be, all that remains is confirming their suspicions by looking for more evidence that it is a part of a set.
Other easily recognizable attributes from examining an item can also give hints towards its true identity. For example, all pieces of the same set will share two common characteristics – a coloured border hinting at its particular rarity (white being basic features and red denoting truly rare traits) and an associated text description when hovering over the item in-game which should contain other related items in its heritage as well as language suggesting its set potential (i.e: “Part of The Butcher’s Cleaver Set”). Additionally, many sets will feature certain bonuses that can only be achieved if certain pieces are equipped together – this should also help to determine whether an item indeed belongs to a larger collection!

Unique Items
Unique items are the most essential part of Diablo 2’s rare loot system and represent the highest tier of quality and rarity. As their name implies, unique items are unique and can’t be found anywhere else in the game. Commonly referred to as “Uniques”, they come with pre designed stats, traits, abilities, and names that appear randomly in loot drops or weapon stores.
While they may not be as powerful as some of their magic or rare counterparts, uniques offer a variety of unique bonuses or abilities that often one up other class sets or items. Examples are Immortal King’s Will for Barbarian, Zod for Wizard, Utrubfor Paladin, and more.
These items can be identified by purchasing an Item/Rune identification scroll from Horadric Cube from merchants within the game.
Identifying Items By Type
Identifying items in Diablo 2 can be tricky, but with the right knowledge, you can quickly distinguish weapons, armour, and other items that you come across in the game.
In this section we will explore methods of identifying items by type, such as unique and set items, magical and rare items, and more. Read on to learn more about this important part of the game.
When discussing identifying items in Diablo 2, weapons are considered one of the most important categories to properly identify. While identifying weapons can be broken down into many different specifications – such as one or two-handed, bows, crossbows and thrown weapons – all require further identification of quality based upon their item level, durability and class prefix.
The most common class prefix to denote a weapon’s type are Superior (Weapons with this prefix will have a minimum item level of 10 and a minimum required level as well), Exceptional (Min. Item level is 20, min. required level is 15) and Elite (Min. Item Level is 30 and min. Required Level is 25).
Weapons with superior prefixes increase their damage amounts more drastically than exceptional or elite weapons; however when talking about damage % bonus, exceptional does gain higher bonuses (% bonus bonus [%] = [(Required Level + 5) / 10]) Furthermore elite weapons have higher durability than exceptional or superior weapons (minimum durability for Elite Weapons = 60).
Although identifying specific items varies from classifying them by type before hand picking which one to use with % bonuses in mind – it stands true that knowing how to identify a weapon’s type can lead you on your way to becoming victorious!
Armour is one of the main categories of equipment items in Diablo 2. Generally speaking, it offers physical defence and protection from attacks as well as boosts to attributes like Strength and Vitality. Some armour sets might even offer unique bonuses for donning multiple pieces of the set simultaneously.
Armour items come in three distinct types – light armor, rare armour, and unique armour – each with its own set of protection values, additional abilities, appearance and more.
Light Armour: When a character chooses light armor they are looking for physical protection while maintaining agility. This type offers low energy cost per hit due to its lower defence/protection value; however some characters may find that this is enough to get them through a good portion of the game depending on their class/playstyle. Light armors include Chain Mail, Light Plate Mail, Humonculus Leathers and Brigantine Armor.
Rare Armour: Rare armors can only be found by either randomly generated monster drops or crafted items created by magical properties through Horadric Cube conversion recipes gathered throughout Act 2 or 3.These pieces are far superior in detail than any other type of armor and typically provide higher protection values than even Unique armors .This type also features runewords that offer excellent bonuses when slotted into Magic Armorers’ Increase Max Durability recipe while generating rare bonus bonuses when combined properly with magical stones. Examples include Dusk Shrouds ,Shields ,Infernal Plates & Helms, and others, including non-class specific items made available after completing certain quests scattered throughout Act 4 & 5.
Unique Armor: Unique/Set Armors such as Treasures Of TheTomb Sets & Immortal King’s Set are incredibly powerful items providing players with huge bonuses if all pieces from a specific set are worn simultaneously.Aside from boosting stats like +2 All Skills or +30% Faster Run/Walk ,some pieces will even confer resistances to spells like Poison , Stun & Mana Burn . These items can only be found by randomly generating monster drops or trading for them with other players via personal Courier Services such as STASHBOXSENDER assisting anyone seeking out these powerful Ancientwares …
Jewellery items are some of the most valuable items in Diablo 2. These can range from magic rings or amulets, to rare jewellery pieces with extraordinary attributes. However, when it comes to identifying jewellery in the game there are a few things to consider.
First, look closely at the item’s properties. Whether it’s rings or amulets they will have a set number of bonuses or attributes that can aid your character in various ways, such as life leech or increased mana regeneration speed. Pay attention to these properties and compare them against what you already know about the game by researching online resources (such as this guide!). Different name prefixes for these pieces may also indicate what type of jewellery it is and how valuable it could be (for example, “rare”prefixes for rings imply a higher value).
Second, remember that certain characters can only wear certain types of jewellery. For example, Paladins and Necromancers can wear circlets, but Druids cannot. Therefore, it is important to ensure you do not install jewellery meant for one player on another type. This will help you better identify what is valuable and what isn’t when going through loot in-game.
Lastly, use your mouse-hovering options if available during your gameplay session to examine individual items more closely as they drop. Your hover-text should include specific details about any particular item and tip you off if it is worth further investigation (jewellery will usually have longer text too). This knowledge and your previous investigations into the game’s mechanics should help determine whether any piece is worth keeping or selling quickly!
Potions in Diablo II are used to heal a character’s health and restore their mana so that they can continue their adventure. Potions come in Life (red), Mana (blue) and Rejuvenation varieties, with each Potion type having three intensity levels. Potions can also be found as Grand Healing or Grand Mana potions, which offer a larger replenishment than the standard Potions.
Identifying Potions accurately is fundamental to make the most out of every item found throughout your journey. It is possible to identify some of these potions using the Horadric Cube – just place one Life or Mana potion in the cube and combine it with some ingredients; the resulting identification will allow you two Potions instead of just one. Make sure to always keep at least a couple of healing and mana potions on you; they could prove vital when surviving difficult encounters!
In addition, some rare drops from monsters may be unidentified items that special vendors with an Identify Scroll for sale can identify. Use this scroll alongside an unidentified item within your Horadric Cube to find out what kind of item it is. Be wary when handling unidentified items – if you use this scroll on something cursed or hidden, those qualities will become visible once identified!
Runes in Diablo 2 are special items that can be socketed in weapons, armor, or shields to give them unique properties. Runes come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from one to six characters long. They can also be found as rewards from monsters and chests, as well as drops from bosses. Knowing the different types of runes will help you decide which items to equip.
The five main types of runes are:
-El – El represents energy and replenishes life capabilities to a weapon or piece of armor when socketed.
-Eld – Eld stands for Elder and adds additional abilities that trigger when certain conditions are met while the item is equipped.
-Tir – Tir stands for Tireless and allows unlimited use of specific skills while the item is equipped.
-Nef – Nef stands for Neutralizing and can be used to cancel out certain spell effects on yourself or your allies.
Finally, -Eth – Eth represents Etheriality and when socketed increases damage resistance or life regeneration depending on the type of item it is socketed into.
Identifying Items By Stats
Playing Diablo 2 is an exciting adventure, and identifying rare and powerful items is a huge part of the fun.
When it comes to identifying items, there are several ways you can do so. One way is by looking at the item stats. These stats can give you a better understanding of the type of item you’re dealing with, and the stats that it offers.
Let’s take a deeper dive into this method of identification.
An item’s damage statistic is a quantitative representation of the offensive capability of the item and can affect many gameplay elements. Different item types have corresponding damage associated with their use; for example, a Sword has an average speed for dealing physical damage and will add a certain Field Damage to the character’s Total Damage. In contrast, an Amazonian Bow type weapon may provide higher average speed and special bonuses such as Piercing Attack (Ignores Target Defence), which will help increase the player’s Future Damage when attacking monsters or players.
Identifying items based on their damage statistics can help you customise your playing style. For example, if you like to be more agile during fights you may want to equip weapons that provide higher attack speed or specialise in fast-attacking skills such as Strafe or Multi-Shot. On the other hand, if you prefer taking enemies down from afar, an Amazonian Bow type weapon would suit your play style better with its increased Range Attack bonus.
Additionally, examining an item’s potential field bonus can guide your decision making when comparing different items’ stats – think of it as choosing between two weapons; one might do more physical damage but have no additional bonuses while the other may lack in physical damage but comes with bonuses that could be beneficial to your build (Such as Increased Attack Speed).
In Diablo 2, Defense is an important stat for players since it helps protect characters from incoming damage. Increase the Defense stat to reduce incoming damage from monsters. The higher the Defense stat, the higher the chance a character can avoid being hit by an attack.
Defence also affects blocking and shields in the game, as it increases the amount of damage that can be blocked or reduced with a shield when attacking enemies or other players. A good way to increase defence is through equipment such as armor and helmets, as these items have Stats related to defence that you can look at before purchasing them. Moreover, some Unique items also have improved stats related to Defensive abilities so they are ideal options if looking for more protection against enemy threats in battle.
Finally, certain charms may also offer bonuses in defensive stats so these are viable options for characters looking for further protection for their quest in Diablo 2. Knowing how to identify items through their stats will be key to help your character survive against any threat that may come your way!
Durability is an important statistic to recognize in Diablo 2. This is an item’s ability to withstand damage, before it becomes unsalvageable or destroyed. Durability can be increased by using a modifier (ie Magical prefix, Magical/Rune suffix) that adds “increased durability,” which improves the item’s maximum number of uses. Other modifiers such as “Required Level” also add bonus to durability; a higher required level usually attributes to more durability given the item has all other stats taken into account.
Durability can be decreased through “degrading” modifiers (ie Magmal prefix, Lacerate suffix). These modifiers reduce an item’s maximum durability and will persist until it is repaired or upgraded as a blacksmith or Cube Altar. Wear and tear decreases gradually every time an item is used whether in pre-battle preparation (the equipping process), or during battle across various skill scenarios. Items have a chance at becoming damaged upon taking critical hits, or otherwise under certain circumstances based on affixes and magical properties associated with the item and user themselves.
It is important to get familiar with how durability works on your items for greater success and increased safety from damage against your equipment. Additionally, managing your items effectively will ensure greater survivability when going up against heavy hitters like bosses and other mobs throughout game play scenarios in Diablo 2’s thrilling world of adventure!
To identify an item in Diablo 2, players must have enough Arcane Crystals to pay the cost of identifying it. The cost of this identification depends on the rarity or type of magic or rare item that is to be identified.
The general arcane requirements for a successful identification attempt are outlined below.
- Normal (white) items: no arcane crystals are required; all normal items can be identified by simply right-clicking on them.
- Magical (yellow) items: 1 Arcane Crystal is required for identification; successful identification will yield 3 pieces of useful information about the magical item.
- Rare (blue) items: 3 Arcane Crystals are required for identification; 5 pieces of useful information about the rare item will be revealed upon successful identification.
- Set and Unique (golden brown and purple): 15 Arcane Crystals are required for identification; 8 pieces of useful information about the unique or set item will be revealed upon successful identification.
Sockets are important when determining any item’s usefulness in Diablo II. Different types of items have a set maximum number of socket slots, determined by the type and level of the item. To add unique bonuses, all runes and jewels can be inserted into those slots.
Runes provide flat bonuses such as additional magic find, attack rating, defence rating or health when put into a piece of gear. Jewels give your equipment increased stats such as increased damage with certain weapons or improved armor ratings. The size and shape of runes and jewels make them nearly impossible to mix up; once you know what kind you’re dealing with, inserting it is simple.
Armors can have 6 sockets (all body armor), shields can have 4 sockets (maximum), weapons can also carry up to 4 sockets (maximum). Rare items usually have 3 or 4 slots open while magical items typically have 2-3 socket slots open (depending on their ilvl). Socketed Unique and Set items cannot be re-socketed once found with a certain number of available slots: those are hardwired into the item.
Having a variety of socketed pieces in your inventory is helpful because you’ll never know when you’ll need to quickly swap out part of your gear at the spur-of-the-moment to get an extra edge in fights — especially if using higher difficulty levels or playing with friends/guildmates who can help spread out damage more evenly between all parties during battle. So consider slotting carefully and adjust for each encounter based on level and difficulty!